
Maak kennis met de echte Aziatische cultuur via onze blog. Hier kun je alles lezen over onder andere de geschiedenis, tradities en gebruiken, en gezondheidsovertuigingen. We duiken dieper in de verschillende theesoorten en hun gezondheidsvoordelen, vertellen je alles over typisch Aziatische ingrediƫnten Ʃn we delen gemakkelijke recepten met je om het Oosten naar jouw eigen keuken te halen. Lees snel verder

Recipe from the Zhejing Cuisine: Longjing Shrimp

Although there are many stories behind the famous Chinese cuisine dish ā€˜Longjing shrimpā€™, weā€™re about to tell you the most widely circulated version. This story tells that this dish is from the time that the well-known Chinese emperor Qianlong ruled the country. An emperor with a rather discerning palate and appetite. One day, he dressed...

Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork; whereā€™s the fish?

Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork is one of the most famous and accepted Chinese dishes. You might have seen ā€œYu-Shiang Rou Siā€ on the menu of a restaurant. Besides spicy Hot Pot, this dish is another eye-catching representative of the Sichuan cuisine. Although itā€™s called Fish-Flavored Shredded Pork, thereā€™s no fish in the dish ā€“ not even...

Super foods salads to boost your health!

Fast food chains popped up all over the planet. KFCā€™s and Burger Kings are literally at every corner of the city, and fast food restaurant that mesmerize hungry consumers, are a distinct part of the current food culture and modern society around the world. However, luckily more and more people are turning to healthy food,...

Glutinous rice cake recipe

Ingredients 250 grams of rice flour glutinous. 60 grams of red bean paste, moderate raisins, shredded coconut stuffing or soybean meal/flour as a topping. How to make it Knead the rice flour glutinous into a dough as described at the packaging. Steam it in a steam basket in the oven or the stove.   Wrap the...

Street snacks you need to try when visiting China.

Luxury meals are not always the way to go, sometimes you just need to go for the the special snacks in the crowded shabby Chinese alley, theyā€™ll surprise you! This country has many interesting, original, and tasty snacks, many of which are more nutritious and natural than chocolate and potato chips. Snacks on the street...

Tumeric: curryā€™s key ingredient

Curry, a dish thatā€™s well known all over the world and comes in hundreds of varieties. Different cultures, and even different regions of the same country, have their own traditional, slightly different flavors adapted to the tastes of the locals and followers. In this blog itā€™s all about the base; the common spices that play...


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