
Maak kennis met de echte Aziatische cultuur via onze blog. Hier kun je alles lezen over onder andere de geschiedenis, tradities en gebruiken, en gezondheidsovertuigingen. We duiken dieper in de verschillende theesoorten en hun gezondheidsvoordelen, vertellen je alles over typisch Aziatische ingrediƫnten Ʃn we delen gemakkelijke recepten met je om het Oosten naar jouw eigen keuken te halen. Lees snel verder

Superfood recipe: Oatmeal with banana and nuts

Oatmeal: the perfect breakfast meal. And the best thing? Itā€™s easy and will keep you saturated until lunch time for sure! As it is high of fiber and gives you a feeling of satiety, oatmeal is known for its benefits of preventing obesity and weight gain. The best way to kickstart your day! Everyone knows...

Superfood recipe: Linseed whole-grain bread

Think that making your own bread is difficult? Itā€™s not! Weā€™ve got a perfect quick bread recipe for you that is great for both sweet and savory toppings. To make this whole-grain bread healthy and tasty, weā€™re going to use three superfoods: linseed, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. Linseed, also known as flaxseed, are small...

Superfood recipe: Coconut shrimp

Ingredients 1 egg Ā½ cup of wheat flour 2 cups nuts, dried coconut meat (crushed of flaked) bread crumbs shrimps coconut oil coconut milk honey vinegar orange juice orange zest curry red pepper flakes How to make it Step1: Combine half of the coconut milk, and flour in a baking dish. Step 2: Separate the...

Recipe for the perfect Fish-flavored Shredded Pork

Ingredients 200 grams of lean pork or pork tenderloin. 125 grams of bamboo shoots. 125 grams of carrots. 4 pieces of dried black fungus. 10 grams of ginger. 3 glove(s) of garlic. 1 bunch of green onion. 2 table spoon(s) of olive oil. 1/2 table spoon(s) of sesame oil. 15 grams of white sugar. 20...

Recipe from the Zhejing Cuisine: Longjing Shrimp

Although there are many stories behind the famous Chinese cuisine dish ā€˜Longjing shrimpā€™, weā€™re about to tell you the most widely circulated version. This story tells that this dish is from the time that the well-known Chinese emperor Qianlong ruled the country. An emperor with a rather discerning palate and appetite. One day, he dressed...

Gastblog Mariƫlle Markgraaff van The Green Guide: Het verschil tussen het Oosten en het Westen

Hoewel veel mensen internet en vooral Social Media als iets negatiefs zien, kun je er juist ook veel van leren. Informatie en inspiratie kon zich nog nooit zĆ³ snel verspreiden. Iets dat mede daardoor ook steeds meer bekendheid krijgt ā€˜in het Westenā€™, is de holistische kijk op gezondheid. Toch zijn er nog veel mensen die...


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